The cooler temperatures have arrived leaving mice and other rodents seeking shelter. Did you know that mice often seek shelter in your vehicle? A warm engine compartment or a dark
Coolant Flush Special Available Now!
Did you know one of the most common causes for problems and vehicle breakdowns is a cooling system failure. Build-up of rust or blockages in hoses and lines can
Warmer Weather is on the Way! Tips to Get Your Vehicle Ready for Warm Weather
Summer Weather is Coming Soon! Summer heat can zap the energy out of you and require you to take extra precautions for your health, the same goes for you vehicles.
Ready to Ditch Work or School for Vacation? Is Your Vehicle Ready too?
It’s almost time for the kids to starting to get out of school and the first day of summer is just a few weeks away! But, just because the cold
Purchasing a New Vehicle? Be Sure and have it Inspected!
Did you know that before purchasing a used vehicle you should always have it inspected by a competent automotive technician before negotiating a price? Most of these items will not
How Often Should You Change Your Wiper Blades?
Ever wonder how often the wiper blades on your windshield should be changed? Although some wiper blade manufacturers recommend 6 months to one year, the truth is that it all
Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Wiper Blade Special!
Did winter rain and sleet wreak havoc on your vehicle’s wiper blades? Stop into Bellingham Automotive during the month of April to take advantage of our Buy 1 Get 1
Having a Good Running Car is NOT Just About Luck!
While some people do seem to have better luck with vehicle maintenance and repair issues than others, a great running vehicle isn’t just based on good luck. There are parts
Feeling Green? Enjoy a discount on us!
Feeling Green? Bellingham Automotive wants to give you a break this tax season. Visit our shop during the month of March and receive 10% OFF ANY SERVICE up to a
Winter Wonderland Preparation

Winter has arrived and it’s always important to remember to be prepared. Below are a few tips for the snow and high winds from our friends at PSE: -Make sure to have