Thank you to all our amazing customers who redeemed their loyalty checks with Bellingham Automotive. A $5 donation was made to Rebound of Whatcom County for each check received from our summer flier. We truly have the best customers and are feel so honored to give back to the community that supports us. Pictured above is Derek from Bellingham Automotive delivering the check to Rebound staff.
Rebound, works with families who are trying to recover and rebuild after experiencing the devastating effects of trauma. Often trauma-background families are the most susceptible to continue cycles of abuse, neglect and/or poverty, unless there is some type of intervention. They walk alongside kids and families on the road to health and restoration.
Connecting – Families often suffer because of a lack of connection. Social isolation and lack of support from other adults make it difficult for families to gain traction during crisis situations. At Rebound, they foster supportive relationships and access community help in times of need.
Empowering – Rebound is committed to giving kids and families the tools they need to succeed. They offer year-round programs for both parents and kids that teach health in the social, emotional, physical and spiritual areas of life.
Restoring – They seek long-term health and stability for our kids and families. As they walk with families, they seek to restore homes to a place where family members know they are loved and supported, where trust is present, and where both parents and kids can thrive as part of the greater community.
To learn more about Rebound visit their website today!